Shinsuke Nakamura is forming a team

 At WrestleMania Shinsuke Nakamura turned heel by attacking the WWE Champion AJ Styles after their match. Since then he became the greatest attraction in the entire WWE. Shinsuke Nakamura is playing an incredible heel right now. At the Greatest Royal Rumble Nakamura and Styles had another brawl for the company's most prestigious price which ended in a Count-Out, hinting that the war between the greatest performers of our time is far from over. At the SmackDown Live episode before the Greatest Royal Rumble the blue show's newest addition: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson came for AJ's aid when he needed them. For the people reading this not knowing why: Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson, better known as the (Bullet) Club, are best friends with AJ Styles and they travelled the world together. Later that night Anderson even took a bullet for AJ when he took the Kinshasa from Nakamura for him. Is is safe to say that Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows will continue to stand by AJ's side as he's facing off against his greatest foe.
But it looks like Shinsuke Nakamura needs some back-up himself on his quest for the WWE Championship. The greatest villians had hench-men, so who could stand side by side with The Artist?

Well look no further than 205live:

Hideo Itami and Akira Tozawa are waiting for a bigger role

205live, which airs right after SmackDown Live on Tuesday nights, has just the right two men that Shinsuke Nakamura needs. His fellow country-men are just waiting for something great to do in the WWE and standing side by side with WWE's Rockstar would be a fantastic role for the newly formed team. The Japanese Connection would make Shinsuke Nakamura look even more awesome and SmackDown is facing a storm of stables anyway with the arrival of Sanity while The New Day and The Club are already in place anyway. 
Hideo Itami and Akira Tozawa just need something to fight for and if they get the chance to face off against The Club in great 6-Men Action, this is just what they need to advance to the next level: So get them out of 205live right now and let them form the Japanese Connection with Shinsuke Nakamura!