Shock the System: How the Undisputed Era will take over WWE

The Undisputed Era are one of the most talked about stables in wrestling today. Young, quick, indestructible and the most hungry group of wrestlers i have seen in years.
Before they became a quartet the trio was just another group on NXT program but since Roderick Strong joined the group in April 2018 and Cole became Champion, they became on the top acts in the entire company. Four prospects that will dictate the future of this business have joined forces to create magic. But how will they fare on WWE's Main Roster? He is an idea how they can make the biggest impact possible, how they can indeed, shock the system.

Who are the Undisputed Era?

Adam Cole
The leader of the group and probably one of the biggest stars in the future of WWE. He is the current and first ever NXT North American Champion and a former ROH World Champion, aswell as an incredible wrestler and promo. Some call him the next Shawn Michaels, i see the first Adam Cole BAY BAY!

Kyle O' Reilly
He is the workhorse of the group. On more than one occasion he wrestled matches for the Undisputed Era all by himself, because his stable mates were unable to compete. He is the heart and soul of the group and a darkhorse pick when it somes to superstardom. He is the current NXT Tag Team Champion alongside Roderick Strong and has held the ROH Tag Team Belts with Bobby Fish before.

Bobby Fish
The most expierenced member of the group is currently out with an injury. He held the NXT Tag Team Titles with Kyle O' Reilly before Strong took over. Unlike most times, when a stable mate is injured, he still appears as part of the storylines to congratulate his friend on a victory or to pose with them during backstage segments. He held the ROH Tag Team Belts as reDragon with Kyle O' Reilly before.

Roderick Strong
Started out as a babyface in NXT, but found championship glory by turning heel on Pete Dunne in the finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic to make the Undisputed Era Champions, thus joining the group. Since then the former ROH World Champion is the best he's ever been and seems unstoppable.

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The world belongs to the Undisputed Era

How will the Undisputed Era Shock the System on RAW and SmackDown?

UE are far from done down in NXT, but when they are Triple H is going to make the call for them and lord and behold, they are going to make an impact!

And here is how i see it happening:
Roman Reigns is the Universal Champion by then and he cuts one of these boring promos for another feud nobody wants to see, but this time the BIG DAWG wants have it his way. As soon as he is attempting to say something we hear: SHOCK THE SYSTEM. Cole, Fish, O' Reilly and Strong are here on MondayNight RAW, surrounding the ring. Roman does not stand a chance by the ultimate force of the Undisputed Era. Cole clobbers him with the title until he bleeds and they powerbomb him through the announce table. The show ends with the group standing in the ring and Cole says: 'We are the Undisputed Era and we are here to....shock the system'.

The next week there seems to be no sight of the Undisputed Era, but in the last hour they are called out by Roman Reigns. Their music hits, but they won't come out. The camera goes backstage to the Gorilla Position walking past Kurt Angle and Vince McMahon, they stop, the crew looks at them, Vince McMahon takes his headset off and says: 'What are you doing, get out there!'. The Era looks at each other and star to attack McMahon and Angle. From the side Constable Corbin tries to break up the brawl aswell as numerous officials, but the Undisputed Era prevails, slamming McMahon against the wall and Angle against Corbin. As soon as Roman was able to get backstage, the Undisputed Era bails. 

A day later it is announced that the Undisputed Era has been released for aggresive behaviour and sued for 400,000 dollars. Their profiles are removed from and they are not mentioned the following week. Roman goes into another program and everything is back to normal. Backstage personell is ordered to break to Dave Meltzer & Co that UE had ovrdone the segment and therefore were let go for their unprofessionalism. It is also reported that Vince McMahon suffered a broken food and a concussion during the brawl, aswell as a ripped ear. During his apsense Triple H takes over RAW and SmackDown production and creative is ordered to book the show slighty more like the NXT program, so people actually think that things are getting better with VKM not in charge.

After 90 days UE appear again on Ring of Honor TV. They do not say a word on WWE during their promos, but members of the group are giving shoot interviews, talking trash about WWE. They admit that they should have never left and Sinclair Broadcast will now be their home forever. 
After a great run on the top on RoH, the stable begins working lesser matches and stop laying all into it, they still wrestle awesome matches, but they make people believe that got 'soft'. As planned people are actually loosing interest in them, causing Cole and friends to turn heel once again in the indy-scene, feuding with various indy teams. Six months after the incident WWE has having an up in ratings, because fans are more interested in these new long term storyline, they can invest themselves in on RAW. VKM has returned months ago, but things became unnoticed, many people still believe it is Hunter running the shows. There have been reports that Cole & Co wanted to be booked for Evolve, ICW or Progress but were not able to get on the card, because of WWE who told their business partners not to work with them. Once again they adress that in Shoot Interviews. They haven't paid their 400,000 dollars and therefore, 10 months after the incident, both parties meet again in court. The lawsuit is filmed by cameras, after Vince McMahon told his version of events, Cole rages jumps the rail and attack VKM one again. The UE are filled 400,000 dollars at the end, with Cole hving to pay an additional 400,000 and being sentenced to 1 month in jail, which he avoids by paying another 12,000 dollars. After this the group seems to disband, which Fish, O' Reilly and Strong working seperatley from Cole. At the one year anniversary Reigns is standing in the ring, still the Universal Champion and cuts a standard promo. Suddenly, Adam Cole is there, jumping the guardrail, slipping through security, attacking Roman Reigns. 
"You took everything from me, my money, my friends, my career! Vince McMahon! I will take everything from you, by beheading your biggest draw if you do not give me what i want!'. Vince comes out and stops security from coming after Cole. 'Fine, Cole, if that is your real name, as you know, i love it when someone is challenging me. So i, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, will show mercy if you can beat Roman Reigns fair and square in the middle of the ring for the Universal Championship at Summerslam. It's as simple as that. But if you can't you will never work here again and i'll make sure you will never work anywhere else!'. 
Cole accepts. At SummerSlam Cole comes to the ring with no entrance theme and in jeans, because he is not able affort anything anymore. On the nameplate his twitter handle is not shown, as he is not under contract with WWE. In an amazing match Cole tries everything, he can't put away Reigns. The BIG DAWG just always kicks out. But then the genius of Adam Cole shines through, he kicks Reigns in the stomach and lifts him up as he delivers and F5. He does that three times, but Reigns still kicks out, Roman Reigns for a spear....LIGHTS OUT. As the lights come back up again, Cole is standing and smiling as wear and Undisputed Era T-Shirt. The shocked Roman Reigns shakes his head goes for another spear, but Cole steps asside, turns around and delivers an Enzuigiri, followed by the Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker: 1...2....3. Cole is the new Universal Champion.

The next night Cole is rejoined by Strong, Fish and O' Reilly. They reveal that the power has been in their hands for the entire time, but shocking the system would take everything out of them, so they did what was necesarry. They are the dawn of a new era and nothing stop them. From that day forward Strong wins the Intercontinental Title, while Fish and O' Reilly win the RAW Tag Team Titles. They put the pressure on each and everything who can't hang with their work-rate and thus shock the system once again as the overall match quality on WWE's main roster is forced to change. 
And that how Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Roderick Strong and Kyle O' Reilly shocked the system.

What do you think of the Undisputed Era? Tweet me @Walu2go