Why the Wild-Card-Rule is a horrible idea

Source: wwe.com

You can argue that the company had to do something to get itself out of the rating's swamp they are currently in, but the Wild-Card-Rule is a horrible idea. In fact, the Wild-Card-Rule is going to increase WWE's problems even more.
If you wanna read more about WWE's ratings please read last week's article All Reasons Why WWE Ratings are down right now discussed.

Vince McMahon's announcement in which he called himself a 'genius' might even result in the end of SmackDown Live. I do not wanna jinx it, but this is one of the routes this could take. How WWE can prevent this and why i am so sure about the Wild-Card-Rule is just a pile of crab: Find out now!

Roman Reigns. The guy a lot of people, including myself, did not really like but most of us come to terms that we don't want to boo him, it is not him thats making things awful, he is a good dude. And since joining SmackDown Roman is actually a cool character. Or was. Because forcing himself onto RAW, it felt like Roman is back to his old ways and i hope people are not connecting him with what is about to come in the future episodes of RAW and SmackDown. Once again, it's not Roman's fault.WWE has a history of that behavior on poorly handling the their two brands.

The thing is. It never worked for long. They have so much talent, they have the best roster of all time and it's only getting better. Imagine having one show with all of that talent. You need to have a brand split with that giant amount of people.
The first time we got a brand split it was because of that reason and it helped the ratings as people were interested in brand warfare and more stars got time to shine. But when WWE stopped taking the split seriously and did exactly the same in the early 2010s as they are doing now: Not effectivly booking stars, everyone feels the same and they end up with no stars. Therefore they ended the brandsplit in 2012 due to bad ratings.
In 2016 the brand split returned. You guesses it: Due to poor ratings. Why? Because not every talent got featured and SmackDown was showing the same stars as RAW did. This helped the ratings, especially SmackDown's.
Not even three years later and the ratings are down again, because WWE made the same mistake again and now the brandsplit if off again. What a disaster. It feels like this is going to happen forever, but WWE's ineffective booking might now take it's ultimate toll. In October 2019 SmackDown moves to FOX, one of the biggest networks in the USA. The Network is known for his quick cancellation if things do not work out. FOX could cancel SmackDown Live if the ratings stay bad. A load talent would not have a show and since you can not send all the talent and staff to RAW, thing suddenly get really dark. 20 years after it's first show SmackDown could end by the hands of one of the most powerful networks in the world. WWE has to do something. And, of course, they went with a fast reaction rather than a slow build to something good: The Wild-Card Rule, effectively ending the brand-split.

The rule allows an undisclosed amount of superstars to go over to RAW and SmackDown. Trust me, even WWE is not fully understanding this rule. But it is effectively ending the brand split so WWE can move their few stars through the brands in hopes it bumps the ratings. That this hurts the prestige of the already battered championships isn't even the biggest problem.
Let's take Roman Reigns as an example. He is the biggest draw they have. On RAW he is facing Baron Corbin and on SmackDown he is taking on Kevin Owens, add like 4 to 5 other stars to it and you steal away the airtime from the stars that could actually help out Roman carrying the company on his back. The Cesaros, the Credic Alexanders, the Buddy Murphys of this world. For some reason i honestly struggle to explain, WWE is falling into a trap with this again. Featuring even more of the same stars on the shows. This is not what people want and i do not know what WWE does not even try to react different this time. WWE effectively gave spirit to the fire.

The Wildcard rule is taking room for the talent to unfold. WWE is unable to book stars, storylines are awful or not excisting and the mind-boogling act that they are able to do it right (see NXT, NXTUK and 205live) and just do not do it on SmackDown and especially RAW, that is just crazy.
All fans want is a good show and the wildcard-rule is not a new surprise factor, it is the WWE admitting they once again failed to create more than one draw. What a shame.