How hard can it be to build a star?

Hulk Hogan is the biggest star in wrestling ever. He appeared in movies, shows, cartoons and all big wrestling events of his time.
With a positive message and a gigantic load of charisma, the immortal was beloved across the globe.

After him The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin follwed. For the 2000s and early 2010s John Cena was the biggest name in the company.

Currently Roman Reigns (who was planned to follow in Cena's shoes) has failed to break out into the main stream world, but his career is not over yet. However, in a world in which multiple shows air across the week and additional information about any wrestler is available anytime online plus seemling every wrestler being extremely great, it seems like one big star is not enough. Well, it does not seem like it, if you look at WWE's current rating, it is.

And with Roman Reigns currently not at the highest point of his career, the man needs support more than ever. While the Wildcard Rule continues to ensure a stale product with the same stars on every show, it is time for WWE to invest in their amazing talent pool.

There were stars like the infamous examples like Tom Magee, where a stopped push is legitamate, but in today's WWE world it feels everything is just a start-to-push.
The list of 1-time champions/major pushes is long. From the Dolph Zigglers, Bray Wyatts, Jack Swaggers, Damien Sandows, Finn Balors, Jinder Mahals and RVDs of this world, very rarely it was their own fault. The company behaved like a child and moved on to the next toy.
With so many shows it is a miracly why there is no time to push many future mega stars, in hopes one sticks, while you still have enough time to star the next projects.
But just does happen.

Every generation has their star in in WWE currently there are plenty of potential megastars in it. Just give everyone enough space and just do not stop pushes too soon. If that would change, we might have the chance of multiple top stars across the board. But if you are not trying, you can not get anywhere.

Do you agree? Tell me on Twitter @Walu2go