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350: Robert Dreissker's Days As wXw Unified World Wrestling Champion Are Numbered

  Sources: Beauty in Combat, wXw, Daniel Schachtmeier 350 Days. This is how long Robert Dreissker's title reign lasted in wXw. Knowing that all things must come to an end, unlike some, it was not still not easy, knowing this day would be coming. It meant that a very meaningful year came to a close. The past 350 days were incredible. Dreissker's reign was incredibly special. For those that are unaware there was much more going on than what might meet the eye. Prior to his reign Robert Dreissker faced all sorts of trials and tribulations, even including broken bones. When he finally pinned Shigehiro Irie in the summer of 2023 it meant the end of a long road to the biggest championship wXw has to offer. He took all of that experience of the past and turned it into a run of a lifetime. As the leader of Amboss, he reigned over European Wrestling alongside Dover, Icarus and Laurance Roman. During that time he told captivating stories with the likes of Shigehiro Irie, Peter Tihanyi, A

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