SmackDown LIVE is not dead yet!

I don't know where to start on this. SmackDown has always been my favourite show out of the two. I bleed blue. I would love to be on SmackDown if i would be a wrestler. SmackDown was the show i started with and if i ever stop watching, it will be my last. You see, i have a lot of passion when it comes to SmackDown. But recently SmackDown got extremely boring and the storylines just annoying, because they became to bad. Even I can't find anything i really like. Fact is: It is not as bad as in 2012, but it's getting closer to that status every week.
I believe i found the reason why SmackDown is in it's current state:
They want to put on a standard wrestling show. But SmackDown in 2016/early 2017 was no ordinary wrestling show. They had creative Ambrose-Ellsworth-Styles story, a Corbin rebelling against the system, the Wyatt Family growing out their own story to the entertainment of us and last but certainly not least the amazing weekly highlight that was TalkingSmack.

Let's face it TalkingSmack with Renee Young & Daniel Bryan was brilliant entertainment. It was fun to watch AND it helped WWE/the wrestles develop their character. The Usos, Jinder Mahal, The Miz, Baron Corbin, Alexa Bliss, etc. all did benefit from TalkingSmack. SmackDown felt like is was a Club. All bonded on the goal of success, but devided by their competition. And everyone came up with their on ways to get further. Everyone was able to exploid their strength: Breezango has to be named here. Everbody loved the Fashion Files!

It had it's flaws, but it was getting better every week. SmackDown was evolving! But then the Superstar Shake-Up happened and the Club broke up. The 'feeling' of SmackDown got a shaker, because storylines like, for example the Miz/Bryan story, were not able to continue. Still SmackDown dealt with the new situation at first, but then it got worse every week and here we are. In order to go back from where they were, the focus needs to stay on the Superstar himself/herself. Their drive has to result in a storyline. And give them mic-time to get us invested. Bring back Talking Smack! Bring back the Fashion Files! And learn how to tell storylines with a one or two week break! (Because you only got two hours but still plenty of time to tell stories!) Not every Superstar has to be on the show every week. Every SD-member (even Sin Cara!) could get they part in the role-play that could be SmackDown Live again. Be part of the Club that bleeds blue. The Land of Opportunity is real, you just have to believe again. Give me back my SmackDown!