Lucky Kid is on the RISE

Lucky Kid won the 2019 edition of wXw's 16 Carat Gold Tournament. This usually is a sign for these men to grow to one of the biggest stars in european wrestling or even the world.

Kid is only 26 years old and the man seemingly has no ceiling. But what turned Lucky Kid into the star he is today? Let's search for the traces he left behind.

The man we now know as 'Lucky Kid' started out his career in Berlin based Wrestling Promotion 'GWF', where he spend the majority of his early career. A very young Kid can been seen on a german kid's channel documentary where he talks about his will to succed in this business.
Over 10 years after this, he did. After winning the GWF Amateur Berlin Title he was startng to get more and more bookings.

2012 became one of the most important year's when Kid began teaming with his real-life brother Tarkan Aslan. The following years the duo called the Young Lions (sometimes 'Die jungen Löwen') won Tag Team Titles almost everywhere they went. The team had twelve Tag Team title runs for the GWF,  the MWA, HCW and wXw, among others.

After dominating europe's Tag Team scene, Lucky Kid found new life in his wrestling career by becoming a member of RISE. The stable lead by german wrestling legend 'Bad Bones' John Klinger and consisting out of Pete Bouncer, Ivan Kiev, Chris Colen, Tarkan Aslan, Kid and later Da Mack was set to dominate and take apart everything in wXw. I've been to wXw houseshow in which every match featured members of RISE.

Unfortunatley due to injury, different happenings and the release of Bad Bones from wXw, caused RISE to to change. The remaining members Pete Bouncer, Ivan Kiev and the Young Lions turned babyface, with Tarkan Aslan remaining the only one who still believed in the old methods of RISE.

In the fall of 2018 Tarkan Aslan turned heel on RISE and eventually on Lucky Kid, his own brother. This turned into Aslan Monster Heel and made Kid step away from the crazy ways and his BLAAH! persona for a brief moment. The crazy character Lucky Kid developed over the years made him stick out, but he is also able to drop it when things get serious. This was one of those times. Kid was able to beat Aslan at the World Tag Team League 2018, ending their Tag Team once and for all.

The following months Aslan tried to haunt Kid back by introducing his own version of RISE again with Da Mack, who returned from injury and wXw Shotgun Champion Marius Al-Ani. This resulted in Tag Team Titles for the team, but the operation was cut short in a Cage match at 'Back to the Roots', in which the reak RISE took the Tag Team Titles from them. Aslan finally left Kid for the forseeable future, allowing Lucky Kid to grow on his own.

In the following months Lucky Kid gained momentum more and more. In Defiant Wrestling he was able to turn heads with his unique gimmick and brought RISE overseas with his amazing talents, but also home in good old Germany, things were looking up for Lucky. Due to, in the case of Lucky, lucky circumstances, Lucky Kid was moved into the wXw Unified World Wrestling Championship picture, facing Absolute Andy. He actually beat the big man for the championship at 18th Anniversary, but the decision was reversed because someone spoted Andy's foot on the rope.

Since that faithful night in December Lucky Kid has been on a path back to the wXw's top price. His inner motivation made fans believe in him even more than ever before, which in the end must be the reason for his exploding success at 16 Carat Gold 2019 just three months after his match with Absolute Andy. The sky is the limit for Lucky Kid and it wouldn't surprise me if he becomes a world champion in wXw soon and also signs a contract with NXT UK.

Me with Lucky Kid during 16 Carat Gold 2019

 Chat with me about Lucky Kid on Twitter @Walu2go!